
Download openoffice org
Download openoffice org

26 March 2011 The ODF TC has approved OpenDocument v1.2 as a Committee Specification.22 September 2011 The ODF 1.2 Candidate OASIS Standard has been submitted for balloting to approve as an OASIS Standard.29 September 2011 ODF 1.2 has been approved as an OASIS Standard.11 January 2012 ODF 1.2 has been published.19 June 2015 ODF 1.2 has been published as an ISO standard.25 December 2019 ODF Version 1.3 is approved as an OASIS Committee Specification.04 December 2020 ODF Version 1.3 is approved as Committee Specification 02.12 February 2021 ODF Version 1.3 enters 60-day public review preceding call for consent as OASIS Standard.16 June 2021 ODF Version 1.3 OASIS Standard is now published and available.Technical Work Produced by the Committee.Have an idea about this page? Want to help build the CC ecosystem? Check out the challenges related to OpenOfficeOrg Addin, or add one of your own below.Developing an XML-based file format specification for office applications thread on cc-metadata from March 2004: CC OASIS Open Office draft updated,.thread on cc-metadata from February 2004: CC metadata in /OASIS documents,, ,, ,,.CreativeCommons OASIS Open Office Module.thread on cc-devel from January 2006: Adding CC License to open office as part of Open Office menu options,.Summer of Code Project: “ Writer Add-in for Publishing CC Licensed Documents”.In Ubuntu (& other variants) if the plugin is installed using the extension manager the menus will not show or they will be inactive.will check for updates and prompt you to download the new version, if available. Go to the Tools menu and select Extension Manager.To install use /usr/lib/openoffice/program/unopkg gui -f ccooo.oxt.They may need to install the plugin using the terminal.Debian/Ubuntu (& other variants) users may have problems if the plugin installed using the Extension Manager.The Creative Commons menu options will be located at the bottom of the Insert menu. After the installation process completes, restart.Click Add and select the file you downloaded. The latest version of the plugin is 0.7.0, available for download from the Extension site.

Download openoffice org